Caste System: A View of Indian Society
Ever heard of the caste system? What is it all about? Is it good? Is it bad? Has it always been like that? What is casteism?

India is a land of diverse cultures. But sadly it’s not always that being different is celebrated. Sometimes being different is looked down upon and made fun of. Although it shouldn’t be this way, the society just never gets it. And sometimes these differences are created by society. It may not be something physical or mental but rather a category that society creates and puts people in because of something as stupid as someone’s birth, something that nobody has control over. It’s like Nobita’s friends refusing to play with Doraemon because he is a cat and not a human. Doraemon has no control over it so how can you really blame him for that? This category that I am talking about that is still very much prevalent or common in India is what is referred to as the caste system.
Caste System: What Is It? (Popular Belief)
The caste system in India has its roots in the varna system that puts people into certain categories depending on the type of work they do. Unlike today, back in the day generations of family used to do the same work. If suppose your father or mother worked as a craftsman then there is a high chance that you will also end up working as a craftsman because it’s easier for you to learn the necessary skills from your parents or your grandparents. Back then by which I mean before the Britishers came to India, we rarely had any universities or colleges that helped people hone these skills. So, their only way to learn something is to learn about that particular skill, such as carpentry, business, etc. by either finding a guru who will teach them these things or being born into a family that has been practising the skill they want to master for ages.
One of the theories behind the caste system that supports the concept that caste is decided at birth is the theory that the caste system is decided based on which body part of Lord Brahma, the creator one, comes from. The popular belief is that the Brahmins who are known as the intellectuals come from the head, the Kshatriyas who are known to be fine warriors came from Brahma’s arms, the Vaishyas who are known as traders come from Brahma’s thighs, and lastly the Shudras come from Brahma’s feet and hence were assigned all the menial jobs.
Caste System: What Was It? (A Brief History)
But this belief though popular is sadly not accurate. According to Dr. Subramanian Swamy, a former member of the Rajya Sabha who is an Indian economist and statistician, the varna system which is very popularly known as the caste system today was actually meant to create a division of labour, i.e., categorise people based on the work they do and not be determined by one’s birth. The varna system was the idea of two rishis, Rishi Bhrigu and Rishi Bhardwaj. According to both of them, there were four major sources of power in society, Knowledge, weapons, wealth, and land. They felt that no two people in different professions should have more than one power as that may lead to them becoming a bully, as you have seen with Gian from Doraemon, who is to say he wouldn’t bully people more if he also had the brains for it.
According to the rishis, the Brahmins will possess knowledge but not land, weapons, or wealth. The Kshatriyas will be masters in handling weapons but need to consult Brahmins regarding policy decisions. The Vaishyas will have the wealth but their status in society will be determined by their need to help others or philanthropy. The Shudras back then were just a few in number and it was decided that their children would be integrated into the society and not considered to be at the bottom. Plus one’s varna or caste is decided based on the work they do and not by their birth into a certain family.
Then how come a system based on the division of labour suddenly changes into one based on birth? The answer to this question lies in India’s history of colonisation. With the Britisher’s arrival came their curiosity to understand our diversity in India. And what better way to do that than by categorising people into separate categories that are decided at birth? Why at birth? Because it makes it easy for them to understand us. If it’s based on the work one takes up then one can change their profession anytime in their life and their varna or caste will change with it, but if it is by birth it’s unchangeable. Plus it is also very similar to the class system that they follow in Europe, wherein, the Clergy or the Priests are at the top, the Noblemen in the middle and then the peasants or common people. It is also true that back in those days many people used to continue in the line of work their parents or grandparents used to be masters in. But they still had the option to choose what caste they wanted to be in depending on the kind of work they wished to do. To give some examples of people practising this choice back in the day, let’s look at the cases of Maharishi Ved Vyasha, who wrote the Mahabharat and is regarded as a Brahmin though he is a son of a fisherwoman; and Maharishi Valmiki who wrote the Ramayan was also considered as a child of a Dalit woman but is regarded on an equal stature as a Brahmin. But the Britishers ensured that this choice was taken away. But how did they do it?
Simple by keeping a record of people born in India, i.e., through the Census. It is through this that the caste system that we know today was created as a section when it came to personal data collection. And once it became a written document stating which caste one belonged to it became harder for people to change their caste as the document states that they are part of one caste and a written document is permanent.
Casteism in India
Thanks to the efforts of the Britishers to make their understanding of us easier we are not left with a very evil system that runs on making people feel inferior. Thus, the caste system that we know today led to a rise in casteism or treating people differently based on the caste they were born in. Though certain laws have been passed to fight this evil system and the discrimination that comes with it, sadly it all boils down to how people change their behaviour. So, the best and most efficient way to fight casteism is by changing our attitude towards people from different caste. The more inclusive we become the better we learn to live together.
All About Mental Health

When we talk about being healthy, we always tend to mean physical health. This means that if you have a healthy body, then you’re perfectly fine and healthy. But is a healthy body all that is truly needed? What if you have a healthy body but don’t feel good or your mood is off? What if you have a healthy body but everything irritates you? What if you have a healthy body but don’t feel like doing anything that used to make you happy earlier? What if you are constantly feeling bad? Then is it alright to just be physically healthy? Caring about your mind is what is called taking care of your mental health.
Why is it important to take care of your mental health?
When you get hurt you bruise and bleed and it is visible. But when it comes to not feeling that great mentally you don’t visibly bruise or get hurt. And that is exactly why it is more important to look after your mental health because you can’t see it but you can feel the pain all the same. Remember the way you felt when your friend ignored you and didn’t talk to you? The feeling of doing something wrong when you don’t know what it is? The feeling of being so lonely that you start thinking that maybe you deserve it in some way? The feeling of doing your best but never getting the praise that you know you deserve, that’s when it hurts your mind. But you can’t physically show it to anyone as it’s not visible to anyone but you. And that’s why taking care of your mental health becomes all the more important because only you can see it and seek help when required.
What are the signs of bad mental health?
Though it is not always possible to notice specific signs for specific mental health unless you are trained in the same, like a psychologist or a psychiatrist is, there are a few things you can look at to understand when your mental health or the mental health of someone closer to you starts getting affected.
Feeling Sad:
If you feel sad a lot or too often then it is a sign that something is not okay with you or your surroundings. Though feeling sad is normal (hey we love sadness from Inside Out!) feeling sad often or for too long means something needs to be done as you deserve to be happy too. When you face such long sadness you must try to identify what could probably cause this sadness. WARNING: When you are trying to find out what made you sad it won’t be easy or feel good but once you find it you will feel better soon as now you know what it is that makes you feel sad.
Feeling Angry:
Getting angry at things that irritate you is very common. But if everything around you seems to anger you or annoy you then it is not good or normal. This could also be a sign of something affecting your mental health. Although we do love Anger from Inside Out but if he appears more often and doesn’t allow your other emotions to have a space to express themselves then it becomes an issue. When this happens next time try to search and find the source of your anger and annoyance and maybe you may just find a solution to your anger.
Losing Interest in Things You Loved:
Imagine you love writing but all of a sudden the very idea of writing makes you feel tired and annoyed. You love dancing because it makes you feel so happy but now all it does is just tire you every time you take a step forward. Getting bored of doing something you love for a while is fine but completely losing interest in something that you love dearly is probably a sign of something bothering you mentally. In situations like this sit-down and try to figure out what exactly you love about an activity, be it dancing, or writing, or singing and the next time you try to do that thing, try to do it in such a way that these exact things that made you fall in love with that activity take centre stage. For example, if you like singing because it feels good to hit those high notes, next time pick a song that has a lot of high notes that are arranged in a way that you like. If you like writing because you can bring animals to life, write a story for animals like The Jungle Book.
Not Concentrating:
We all love to daydream, and sometimes, it is hard to focus on a certain task. But if you find it hard to concentrate on most days, even after days of rest, and you find yourself spacing out a lot while completing a task, then it might be a bit of a concern unless the task is boring. You probably find it hard to concentrate because you are already concentrating on something else, in which case, first resolve the previous problem before moving forward to another one.
Worrying Over Small Things:
Getting worried about something is completely normal. Just like the function of Fear from Inside Out, it’s always better to be safe than sorry. But if every small thing causes you worry, it’s a sign that your mental health is being affected.
Not Eating Properly:
Imagine a piping hot plate of momos, or a delicious bowl of ice cream sundae, or maybe a big juicy pizza. Doesn’t it make you feel hungry? That’s fine because probably you’re not a big fan of momos or ice cream or pizza. Or you probably just had food and hence don’t feel so hungry. But if you don’t feel hungry in general when you look at a variety of food then it is concerning. Many times if we are not feeling good we end up not eating properly or don’t feel like eating at all. This is another sign for you to notice to see if somebody is not mentally well.
How can you take care of your mental health?
Talk It Out:
The simplest way you can ensure you have healthy mental health is by not holding back what is bothering you and letting people you trust know what is bothering you. Everyone has those days when something doesn’t feel right but rather than suffering through it all by yourself you can share. Sometimes hearing others’ opinions can help you see the problem from a completely different angle. Always remember that: “A friend in need is a friend indeed”.
Eat Healthy & Sleep Well:
Eating a balanced diet that sometimes includes your favourite treats and sleeping for 7-8 hours every day ensures that your body has enough energy to battle any problem. Though eating and sleeping may not exactly make your mental health problems go away, they will give your brain enough fuel to run like a super-fast car.
Exercise More:
Exercising and staying active helps your body release the happy hormones (dopamine). And with happy hormones your mental health is bound to get better soon. So, don’t forget to go out and play.
Spend Time With People You Love:
Spending time with people you love makes you feel safe just like Nobita feels with Doraemon. And when you feel safe you slowly start feeling more happy. As you feel happier, your mental health also feels better.
Do Mindful Deep-Breathing:
Feeling nervous or upset? Try doing this:
- take a deep breath in through your nose for 4 seconds
- hold it for 4 seconds
- slowly breathe out through your mouth for 4 seconds.
This small deep breathing exercise will help you calm down and focus on what’s in front of you. Be mindful of the seconds you are counting. When we feel nervous or upset, we tend to think of too many things at once. By counting the number of seconds, we can focus on one thing, which helps us calm down.
Various Activities You Can Try:
- Gratitude Jar: Write something you are grateful for every day and put it in a jar. Open the jar only when you are feeling really bad. Reading the words on a bad day will help you realise how great things have truly been for you.
- Nature Walk: Take a walk in the park or a forest without any electronic devices to bother you. Focus on the birds and the bees and the clouds and the animals. Try talking to them and who knows you might have a hidden ability to communicate with them just like Snow White.
- Music & Dance: On days when you are too mad or sad at the world turn up the speaker and dance your heart out. The exercise from the dancing will release the happy hormones and who doesn’t love Taylor Swift?
Me Time: Make it a habit to carve out at least an hour or so just for yourself. This time is just for you and you only. This will ensure that you remember what you need and do what you like instead of always trying to do what your friends or siblings like.
You can also try out these various activities to help you feel more relaxed.
Seek Help, Don’t Hesitate
Although the above tips are helpful, if you feel like you are mentally not keeping well no matter how much you try any of these above tips, don’t hesitate to seek help from a psychologist or a psychiatrist. Gone are the days when you are supposed to visit them only when you have gone completely insane. Many psychologists and psychiatrists are trained to help you with your day-to-day problems that become too much for you to handle.
Camelids: Celebrating Man’s Best Friend Through Thick and Thin
The United Nations declared the year 2024 as the year of Camelids to help spread awareness about them. Let’s learn about them a bit more.

Every day when you wake up for school, the thing that probably you and your friends have in common during breakfast is milk. You may love it a lot or you may not like it so much, but it is a big part of your day-to-day life. But have you ever wondered what do people in different parts of India where they don’t have enough grass for cows to graze on like the great desserts of Rajasthan drink instead of milk as they can’t raise cows there? Have you heard of camel’s milk? That’s what they drink. And not only that, just like a cow holds a lot of significance for people in other parts of India, it’s camel’s milk that holds a lot of importance in west India where climate conditions are bad but people still thrive. The United Nations, an international organisation that was founded to maintain world peace and security, declared the year 2024 as the year of Camelids. So, let’s explore these amazing species and their values.
Camelids: What are they?
Every animal in the world belongs to either of the five broad species, they are either mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians or insects. However, within each species, there are a variety of other subspecies. Just like humans, camelids are also part of the mammal family and belong to a certain type of mammal known as Camelidae, which includes animals adapted for survival in diverse and often harsh environments.
It’s very easy for you to spot a camelidae. What you need to look for is a long neck, thin or slender legs and the ability to conserve water and energy for a long time. Reminds you of a certain hump friend? Perhaps a camel? Along with camel, alpacas and llamas are also considered to be a part of the camelids or Camelidae family.
What makes camelids unique is the way they can go days without worrying about water or energy. They not only can take care of themselves but can also help sustain you in the long run by providing you with a livelihood. Given that it’s hard to raise cows and other cattle in deserts like Thar desert or in hilly cold areas many people living there rely on cattle like camels, alpacas, llamas etc. for milk, meat and fibre. These types of cattle that survive in even the harshest conditions are known as camelids. Given their ability to fare through even the harshest of conditions they are considered a very important part of the ecosystem.
If you want to know more about the different types of camelids check out the videos below:
Camelids & India
For thousands of years, camels have been a very important part of Indian culture and heritage, ever since the days of the Silk Road which existed way before the colonisation that India faced camelids have been used to transport goods through harsh and difficult landscapes from one place to another. This transportation allowed India to connect with the rest of the world and hence gave a space for cultural exchange. And the only way India could travel through these difficult roads is with the help of camels.
Known as the “ships of deserts” camels are celebrated in Rajasthani folklore, music, and festivals, embodying resilience and resourcefulness. Events like the Pushkar Camel Fair highlight their cultural importance, drawing global attention to the traditions surrounding camel rearing and trading.
Despite their huge importance, camel populations in India have been declining steadily over the years. According to the Livestock Census of India, the camel population dropped from 4 lakh in 2012 to 2.5 lakh in 2019. This is very worrying as that means that it is harming the overall ecosystem. This decline can be due to several factors:
- Lack of Awareness: Many urban dwellers are unaware of the ecological and economic contributions of camels, leading to very little appreciation and investment in their conservation.
- Economic Shifts: With people relying more on modern transportation such as cars, trucks, etc. the demand for camels to transport goods has reduced.
- Urbanisation: Expanding urban areas have reduced the grazing lands for camels, thus, making it difficult for them to live even on limited resources.
- Policy Gaps: While camels are recognised as important animals, there is a lack of proper policies that support camel herders and their livelihoods.
Thus, the United Nations declared the year 2024 as the year of Camelids to help spread awareness about these species that help mankind survive in the harshest of conditions. Let’s take this initiative forward in the coming year and make 2025 a remarkable year for both humans and camelids.
Racism: A Social Evil
Let’s understand what racism means, how your race plays a role in it and how we together as a society can help combat it.

In a world where we are told not to distinguish between people based on how they look, there still exist people who no matter what end up creating categories. And these categories may appear harmless but they are not so. When you don’t fit into these categories you are seen as an outcast, an “other” and made to stay away from others. A lot of false things or rumours are spread about you to ensure you remain an outcast. And the worst part is nobody bothers asking you if they are true or not and they live in their tiny bubble thinking they know best. This is just a glimpse of what racism feels like to the person you are being racist towards.
What is racism?
Simply put racism refers to the belief in the idea that one’s race is superior to another. Race on the other hand refers to one’s ethnicity or the culture or the descent one belongs to. Race is something that is entirely out of your hands, yet people differentiate or discriminate against you and treat you differently because of something that’s not even in your hands.
The most common way one can differentiate one person from one culture or descent to another is because of how they may look. Some may have a darker skin tone while some may have a lighter skin tone, some may have bigger eyes while some may have smaller eyes, some may have curly hair while others may have straight hair, etc. are all the features that one may use to distinguish a person from another especially if they belong to different culture or descent.
There is a difference between knowing someone is different from you and making it known that someone is different from you. In the first case, you know that someone may be different from you because of how they look or talk and many other things and you don’t have an issue with it or try to make it seem like you are better than them just like Sizuka in Doraemon knows that she is smarter than Nobita but she never makes fun of Nobita or looks down on him for that reason. But in the second case, you ensure that the difference between you and someone else is known to everyone as you think you are superior to them just like Gian bullies Nobita because he knows that he is stronger than Nobita and hence, by bullying him every chance he gets he reminds Nobita that he is superior than him. Racism happens when you bring out differences between you and someone else who may belong to a different culture and look different and say that you are better than them, much like the second scenario.
The simple difference between caste and racism is that racism is more or less global as it depends on one’s race while caste pertains to just the Hindu religion. On one hand, caste doesn’t pay a lot of attention to how one looks but on the other hand, racism primarily focuses on how one looks.
Racism: Origin & Today
Charles Darwin had come up with the theory of “survival of the fittest” which means that only the fittest will survive and others will die as they won’t be able to adapt to different situations. He also implied that only a few races among many are truly fit, thus, they are considered to be superior. However, the idea in people’s minds that one race is superior to others existed even before Darwin. In ancient Greece and Rome, people were enslaved or forced to be slaves to certain people because they looked different or spoke a different language. But back then these differences were not based on one’s race only hence it wasn’t just racism but other kinds of discrimination also took place.
It was only during the European colonisation of the world that racism became rampant. European colonisation refers to the time in history when Britain and other European nations like Spain, France, etc. set out to capture different nations and make them more “civilised”. The very fact that they thought their ways of living were “civilised” while having no regard for someone else’s culture and lifestyle marks the beginning of racism. The entire basis of European civilisation was based on the belief that their ways of living and culture are superior and everyone must follow the same. They did rely a lot on Darwin’s theory of “survival of the fittest” deeming themselves as the superior race.
Barring culture and lifestyle there was also the assumption that the colour white symbolises purity, and given that barring the Europeans no other nation had people with lighter skin tones or complexion they assumed that they were superior to the others as they were “pure”. And given that people from other parts of the world, especially those who possessed darker complexion were considered “impure” they were thought of as being closer to animals and not considered as humans. Thus, began the largest migration in human history as many of these so-called “impure” people were forcibly removed from their homes and country and shipped off to Europe to work as slaves in “pure” people’s houses. They were not even allowed to have a name of their own and were rather named by the “pure” people they ended up working for.
During the Renaissance age, which was also known as the “Age of Reason” or “Age of Enlightenment” as it marked the beginning of the importance of science many still provided illogical “scientific evidence” (illogical because in today’s science, it won’t hold any meaning) that justified racism leading to “scientific racism”. And that made the situation all the worse for people who belonged to a different race than the Europeans.
These injustices continued as people were not given the basic rights that you and I today enjoy as it was thought that they were nothing more than savage animals and didn’t deserve to be treated like other humans. With the end of colonialism and the beginning of revolutions for equal rights racism slowly started to decline. With the coming up of democracies that acknowledge that every individual citizen is equal many laws were also passed to reduce racist behaviour.
But to date, racism does exist in one form or another though it is more subtle now it still exists. The very fact that if you are a tourist in another country you have to be extra careful as if anything goes wrong they think it’s your fault highlights racism still works on people’s minds. The increasing number of violent attack cases against people from different cultures who live in the USA or the UK also highlights the increasing prevalence of racism. Let’s watch a video to understand it better:
How to combat racism?
Though there are many ways to combat racism the few ways that you and I can contribute to ensuring that racism doesn’t thrive anymore, include; creating an inclusive space for everyone by treating everyone the same and ensuring that all of them receive the same opportunities such as celebrating every culture’s holiday if you live in an area where there are people of different cultures; becoming more aware of racism and spreading this awareness is also another way of ensuring that people become more educated about this problem and do something about it; and lastly the best way you can combat racism is by not being blind to the racism that happens in front of you and raising your voice against what’s wrong. Though racism still exists today, that doesn’t mean staying silent about it will make it go away, hence, raise your voice and end the chain of hatred.
Being Different Is Not Always Wrong!
Ever felt like a duck in a pond of swans or simply different? Well if you did this article will surely help with that feeling a bit.

Has it ever happened that you did your best but still couldn’t get the highest score in an essay competition? But at the same time, you just thought for two minutes and ended up creating an art piece or caught a note of the tune that just made everyone stop and stare with awe. Has it ever happened to you that numbers seemed so simple but words were just too confusing? Or was it the other way around for you? Has it ever happened that dancing and running around seemed easier than staying still and listening to a story or drawing a portrait? Then you are not wrong, you are just different.
What does it mean to be different?
If you ever felt like Nobita or Kiteretsu or basically a duck in a pond filled with swans then you know exactly what it feels like to be different. The feeling of always wearing a big red dress or hat in a crowd of black and white, that’s the feeling of being different. “The elephant in the room” is the idiom that refers to a significant issue that is obvious but everyone avoids acknowledging or discussing it. You know you are feeling different when you feel like the elephant in the room. You feel you are either Gulliver in a land of lilliputs or a lilliput in Gulliver’s world. Whatever it may be, one thing is sure for almost everyone who feels different, it doesn’t feel good.
What can you do about being different?
The simple answer to that question is nothing. You heard it right, there’s really nothing you can do about it. In fact, the real question is why should you do anything about it? Sure, you can try changing a bit of this and that and jazz a bit while toning down a bit of that and, voila! You turned a unicorn into a horse or a Rhinoceros into a Hippopotamus, but the question is for how long? A Rhino is bound to miss taking mud baths and a unicorn is bound to miss breathing in the fresh air from the sky while flying. You can change yourself a bit or even more than that but then the question is for how long? There will come a time when you will hate yourself even more as you won’t be able to recognise what you have become any more. You may put down your paintbrush, or your abacus set, or your dancing shoes, or your writing pen, but will you be happy doing that? Rather the better question is to ask yourself who you are doing this for. For people around who you need to be a certain way to feel accepted? Sure you can jump around the lava and walk on the rock just to be closer to people you like, but for how long will you be jumping? What if you are meant to walk on the flames and shine like the Human Torch of Marvel?
That’s why it’s time to rethink and look at the following tips to help you get started and appreciate all the things that make you different.
- Take a long deep gaze at yourself in the mirror:
Stare at yourself for 5-10 minutes in the mirror. Identify the things you hate about your face or body such as you have dark circles, or tiny lips, etc and take a picture. Now take sketch pens or makeup products and try to outline and draw on your face all the insecurities you think you have. Do you think you have dark circles? Draw them as dark as panda eyes! Do you think you have acne? Draw as many as you think you’ve got. And once you’re done take a look at yourself in the mirror and compare what you’re seeing in the mirror to the picture that you have previously taken. See any difference? If you did now you know how distorted your thinking truly was.

- Not everything different is bad:
Ever heard of the saying, not everything that glitters is gold? Exactly! Just like that, not everything that looks different is wrong or bad. Do you know who else was different from the crowd just like you? Ironman. But is he bad or wrong? And what about Einstein? Is he bad or wrong? Or how about Marie Curie? Or Charlotte Brontë? Or Begum Rokeya Sakhawat Hossain? Were they wrong or bad too? The reason people are not ready to accept or are comfortable around something different is that they are not used to it. That doesn’t make you bad or wrong. It just means people need a little more time to understand you. So, give them that. After all:

- Let them into your world:
How do you expect people to understand or know you, if you don’t let them in like Elsa? We all remember how it turned out for Elsa when she decided to hide away in the castle. And didn’t tell anyone about what happened to her. It was only when she finally let others see her for who she truly was, that was she able to understand and accept herself better. Start small by maybe showing them how to do a dance step or two or how to draw an animal or anything that you think makes you different or weird, share it with them. And who knows, maybe you’ll be the coolest one in the school. It’s scary but you won’t find out until you give it a try.

- Let it out:
No matter how much I tell you or somebody else tells you or you yourself remind yourself how much you matter or are amazing, there will be days when you just can’t get up. And it’s okay, sometimes the ground is our friend and tears our lemonade with a salty punch. So, let it out and cry your heart out. Scream, shout but just let it out. Don’t hold it in just because you are different and are not supposed to make ripples. Create a storm if you want but then remember every storm must come to an end and so does your sorrow.

We know the struggle to be an alpaca in a world adored by Llamas is hard but just like we are hanging on, we know you can too. Be a paca, read Knowpaca and be proud of your difference rather than hiding it.
Mpox: What You Can Do To Keep Yourself Safe
Do you know the difference between a bacteria and a virus? What about Mpox? Is it a virus or a bacteria? Read on to know more.

With the recent advancement in medical technology, we hope to find a cure for all illnesses be it because of bacteria or viruses. But in the meantime, while we search for a cure for even the common cold there are many sicknesses spreading around us that we must remain aware of. Being aware is as good as having the Doraemon’s magic pocket, you may not always need all the gadgets or in your case the knowledge of particular illnesses, but if you ever need it you can always look back to that knowledge and feel prepared. One such illness that has been on the rise recently is Mpox or Monkey Pox, let’s find out more about it.
Mpox: What is it?
Mpox is a virus which is a member of the Orthopoxvirus genus. A virus is different from bacteria as bacteria can be cured easily with antibiotics and the illness that a bacteria causes is called a bacterial infection. But when it comes to viruses they are hard to treat and the illness that they cause is called viral infection. As they are hard to treat, they are allowed to run their course and fight with your body’s immune system until they lose. Though there are some antiviral medications available for certain viral infections like HIV, for most viral infections there is no medication as such. Your common cold is considered a viral infection hence usually the best cure for a common cold is to rest up and let your body fight it. On the other hand, tetanus is a bacteria that you can fight with, with a tetanus shot.
The particular genus or family the Mpox or monkeypox virus belongs to was also responsible in the past for the spread of cowpox and smallpox. The reason it is called monkeypox is because it was first discovered in 1958 in monkeys. But unlike the name suggests this virus can attack both humans and animals and hence we need to be more careful. Some of its symptoms such as headache, fever, exhaustion, and muscle aches can be confused with other viral infections. But one of the most noticeable symptoms of this disease is the appearance of rashes. The rashes first look like flat lesions or like a patch of red on your skin, that develops into a blister and then a scab. This is the most important marker of the disease.
Mpox: How do I protect myself from it?
Mpox can only be transmitted via direct contact with the infected person’s or animal’s rash or their bodily fluids like saliva, blood, etc. It can also be transmitted via air through respiratory droplets which are released when you cough, sneeze, talk or breathe hard, hence taking important precautions is of utmost importance. You can do the following to protect yourself from Mpox:
- Maintain Good Hygiene:
Always ensure to wash your hands before and after you eat with soap and water to ensure that all the germs from your hands are dead. Whenever you visit very crowded places remember to come back and change out of your clothes and clean the exposed parts of your body with soap and water to prevent contamination. Whenever you are visiting crowded public places like gyms be sure to wipe the surface of gym equipment with wet tissue before using them.
- Love Animals But Don’t Catch Mpox:
We all love to give our furry buddies all the love in the world but remember that loving them is fine but do it with caution. Mpox virus is mostly spread through rodents (such as rats, hamsters, squirrels, guinea pigs, etc.) and primates (such as chimpanzees, gorillas, monkeys, orangutans, etc.) in areas where the disease is already on the rise like Africa, hence be careful when coming into contact with animals in those regions.
- Take Your Vaccine Shot:
Remember to take your due vaccine shots such as JYNNEOS or ACAM2000 to ensure that you are fully prepared and protected from Mpox. Needles hurt but also save lives so close your eyes and imagine you are in your happy place and it will make the entire vaccination process a little easier.
- Keep Yourself Away From People Who Have Caught Mpox:
Sometimes the best way you can take care of someone is by staying away. Hence, let the doctors who are much more experienced handle the situation while you keep yourself healthy so that when the time comes you can help out as much as you can. Do not share beddings, clothing, towels or personal items with someone who has Mpox. And disinfect surfaces and objects that may have been contaminated with antiseptic lotions like Dettol.
- Improve Your Immunity:
Given that viral infections fight with their immunity it’s important to build a strong immune system. By eating a balanced diet, getting a good 7-8 hours of sleep and being active through various activities like exercise, dance, etc. you can ensure that your immune strength is at its best all the time.
Stay safe so that you can ensure somebody else’s safety tomorrow.
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