Celebrating Asa Singh Mastana, a Punjabi folk legend who immortalised Heer Ranjha’s tales and left a mark in Bollywood and global music.
Understand the "ideal" form of `attachment, the secure attachment style, its markers and how to reach this style.
Unlock your mind's potential through writing—explore how penning down your thoughts can be a path to mental well-being.
Sri Aurobindo's life is a testament to the power of transformation—from a fierce nationalist leader to a profound spiritual visionary.
Undesrtand the care perspective of Gilligan's moral development stages, its transitions and its importance.
Indian psychology embraces a consciousness-centric approach, distinct from Western materialism, influenced by classical philosophies.
Remembering Bhisham Sahni, the literary giant whose words painted vivid pictures of India's history and humanity.
Understand the "ideal" type of parenting- the authoritative parenting style, its effects and how to achieve it.
Celebrating the life and legacy of Meena Kumari, an actress and poet whose talent and tragedy left an indelible mark on Indian cinema.
Here is a helpful guide for you to recognize the signs, symptoms and understand how to respond to your anxious child.
Celebrating the enduring legacy of Semmangudi Radhakrishna Srinivasa Iyer: The Grand Sire of Modern Carnatic Music
Indulge in the world of Cognitive Psychology, a study of mental processes required for a smooth functioning of an individual.
Explore the profound impact and Healing Power of dance on emotional well-being and its therapeutic potential.
Discover Kadambini Bose Ganguly- the remarkable journey of India's first practising female doctor and women's rights advocate.
Understand your connection with people and also their connection with you. Attachment Styles go both ways.
Discover and Understand the surprising health benefits of crying and how it can lead to emotional and physical well-being.
From Freedom Fighter to Famed Novelist :The Journey of Nanasaheb Apte: A Literary Luminary And Revolutionary
Explore the world of your mind, understand colourful emotions and bridge a bond with your child through the movie Inside Out.
The Untold Struggles of India's Doctors . It's time to prioritise the well-being of those who dedicate their lives to saving others.
Learn the signs of authoritarian parenting, learn its effects on your child and learn to modify accordingly.