A closer look at India’s Mental Healthcare Act, 2017—rights, accessibility, and what it means for mental health in India.
The Broken Table will force you to take a step back and just breathe for a moment. Let’s take a closer look.
Having trouble saying no, making your boundary clear or setting your own pace? Here is your guide to setting own boundaries.
World AIDS Day: Fighting bias, embracing care, and understanding the mental health challenges of HIV/AIDS.
Ever felt a sense of fear of failure in academics, work place or even everyday activities? Here is a psychological perspective of it!
Caught in the urban rush, India's youth feel loneliness. Here's how we can navigate the isolation together.
Shedding light on the mental scars of domestic violence, its impact on families, and the stories in Indian cinema that give hope.
Embracing couples therapy in India to foster understanding, mental well-being, and a balanced relationship journey.
How standup comedy offers more than laughs—it provides a path to mental wellness by releasing tension, stress, and anxiety.
Mental health awareness has increased over the last few decades in Indian boundaries, raising interest in different therapeutic approaches. Being a country with a rich cultural...
Why do children play the way they do? Understand the significance of play, its patterns and apply them effectively in your daily life.
Understand the crux of avoidant attachment style, its characteristics and how to modify it into a more secure style.
Celebrate Healthy Aging Month by focusing on mental well-being. Nurture your mind and body for a thriving, vibrant life.
Discover how singing can uplift mental well-being by reducing stress, boosting mood, and fostering self-expression.
Fueling your body with the proper nutrition isn't just about physical health—it's the key to a happier, healthier mind.
Undesrtand the care perspective of Gilligan's moral development stages, its transitions and its importance.
Explore the profound impact and Healing Power of dance on emotional well-being and its therapeutic potential.
Discover and Understand the surprising health benefits of crying and how it can lead to emotional and physical well-being.
Learn the signs of authoritarian parenting, learn its effects on your child and learn to modify accordingly.
Understanding and Supporting the Mental Health of Brain Tumor Patients. Bridging the Gap Between Awareness and Mental Health.